13 quirky facts about companion animals

puppy and kittenThink you know everything there is to know about your favourite furry, finned or feathered friend? Chances are there are some interesting facts that even the most ardent animal-lover may be surprised to learn.



  1. Tough tongue  Cats’ tongues are covered with little structures called “filiform papillae,” which are like tiny hooks pointing toward the throat. These hook-like structures help hold food while a cat is eating. The papillae also help with grooming. Humans can feel these barbs when licked by cats.
  2.  Seeing spots  Dalmatians are born all white. Their spots will develop within the first few weeks of life and can be black, brown or liver coloured.
  3. Sleepy time  Cats are born loungers and will spend on average 16 hours of the day snoozing. Only sloths spend more time asleep.
  4. Send a message  Fish do not have vocal chords, but they can use low-pitched moans, grunts, hisses, and wails to communicate with one another.
  5. Watch the eyes  Pet birds can communicate feelings through their pupils. If pupils are dilated, the bird is calm. Pinprick-sized pupils mean birds are agitated and may bite.
  6. Meeeoooowww  Cats only meow to communicate with humans, not amongst themselves.
  7. Seeing colours  Dogs are not colour blind as once presumed. They can see colours, just not as vividly as humans.
  8. Kindle … not just for reading  A group of kittens is called a “kindle,” while a group of cats is a “clowder.”
  9. Almost wild  Dogs are so genetically similar to wolves that they can interbreed.
  10. Noseprints  Cats’ and dogs’ noses are unique, just like human fingerprints.
  11. Fishy growth rings  Fish do not add new scales as they grow. The scales increase in size and form growth rings that can reveal the age of the fish.
  12. Not domesticated  Birds are not domesticated. They’re still wild and must be taught acceptable pet behavior.
  13. Barkless  Many dogs do not actively bark. One that rarely barks is the Basenji, due to a narrow larynx. It can yodel, however!

many different pets

Author: Lifestyles Author

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