Take Your Workout Outdoors for a Fresh Boost

man exercising safetly outdoors

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

As temperatures rise and the sun shines brighter, you might start taking your workouts outside more often. To ensure your body’s comfort and safety, you may need to refresh your fitness regimen.

These tips can help you safely enjoy your summer workouts

Wear sweat-proof sunscreen

Protecting your skin is a year-round endeavor, but when it’s hot outside, you’re more likely to lose the protection of sunscreen faster. Use a sunscreen that is designed to withstand your summer workout, whether it’s a good sweaty run or laps in a refreshing pool. Reapply a broad-spectrum formula with an SPF of 15 or higher regularly and be sure you’re using enough. Most people need a full ounce to cover their entire bodies.

people hiking outdoors for exercise and connection to nature

Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

Stay hydrated

In warmer weather, your body typically sweats at a higher rate, causing you to lose key electrolytes, like salt and potassium, that are important to keeping your body properly hydrated. Stay hydrated by drinking fluids before, during and after a workout. To mix up your hydration plan, consider choosing a water formulated for fitness, like Propel Vitamin Boost, which is enhanced with 100% of the recommended daily value of vitamins B3, B5, B6, C and E and electrolytes to help replace what is lost in sweat.

Find a workout buddy

There’s power – and safety – in numbers. Whether you grab a friend, coworker or pet, try exploring new places to work out for a change of scenery. Having a buddy by your side not only offers security, but also a boost of motivation. Together, you can work toward a common goal, keep each other accountable and encourage each other to crank up the intensity.

people canoing on river

Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash

Time workouts for cooler periods

Avoid exercising during the heat of the day. Instead, opt for morning or evening workouts and be conscious of high humidity levels, which can adversely affect your respiration and lead to overheating. It’s also a good idea to acclimate to the warmer temperatures by starting with a brief workout and gradually increasing the duration over the span of a week or two.

Wear appropriate clothes

Switching to summer attire isn’t just about wearing less material; you also need to pay attention to the fabric you wear. The appropriate fit may vary depending on your chosen activity, but generally, breathable fabric in lighter colors is ideal.

People gettng outdoors to exercise in spring

Photo by Stan Petersen on Pixabay

Visit propelwater.com to learn more about safely hydrating to tackle warm weather workouts.

Author: Lifestyles Author

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